My Review of “The Sound of Rain” by Sarah Loudin Thomas
“The Sound of Rain” has a beautiful cover that is soft to the touch and which holds within a beautiful story filled with adventure, suspense and romance!
There are many things to like in this book “The Sound of Rain” by Sarah Loudin Thomas.
The story revolves around two characters Judd Markley, an Appalachian miner turned timber worker and Larkin Heyward a dissatisfied socialite in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. These two people lead very different lives, with very different dreams, yet they are brought together through two disasters–a mine cave in and a hurricane. How will these disasters cause changes in their life pathways and will it be for good?
As Judd Markley, deals with leaving behind the Appalachian mine tragedy, Larkin Heyward dreams of going to Appalachia to live and work. How could these two people ever come together to be friends or even more?
As the story evolves I see God’s hand at work throughout, leading and guiding in various ways and events that will lead to great changes in Judd and Larkin’s lives. Will those changes bring happiness and fulfillment to both?
The above questions were some that came to mind as I read this truly a beautiful story that held my attention from page 1 to page 331. I highly recommend it as a great read!
I received this book for free from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review and in no way received any monetary compensation.
Visit Sarah Loudin Thomas Website at: https://sarahloudinthomas.com/
–Leona J. Atkinson
Thank you for sharing that you enjoyed Judd and Larkin’s story!
You are welcome! I am glad I had the opportunity to do so. It’s a great book!