Well, Day 2 of Dressember 2019 proved to be a bright sunny warm (almost 50 degrees) dry day.
My daughter, grand-daughter and I took advantage of the nice weather to go out to lunch and do some Thrift Store shopping. We had a great time together and did find some good bargains as well. I even found myself a nice warm sweater dress and leggings for only $7.50! I love Thrift store prices and enjoy shopping at those that support good causes.
Throughout my day I did not have a chance to share about Dressember (don’t have the “Ask Me About My Dress” pin yet) but I did wear a dress which I will be wearing every day this month.
I do want to mention that tomorrow is “Giving Tuesday” and we’ve been told that Facebook often matches donations that come into fundraisers on Facebook. So if any of you are considering making a donation to my Fundraiser tomorrow would be a great time to do so as the amount you give might be matched and that would be awesome! Thank you for your support for this great cause.
Here’s the link to my Facebook Fundraiser: https://www.facebook.com/donate/535411320353431/