The Warsaw Sisters by Amanda Barrett is a historical fiction novel written about the German invasion of Poland in WWII. The story is about two Polish sisters, Antonina and Helena, living in Warsaw in 1939. Though the sister’s story is fictional, the events surrounding them are based on historical facts. The sisters are different in…

Book Review: After the Shadows by Amanda Cabot
Book Review: After the Shadows by Amanda Cabot After the Shadows is a book about overcoming your past in order to find hope for the future. It is also a book about relationships, good and evil ones, domestic abuse, true love, the Christian life and small-town living. The main character in the book, Emily Leland,…

Book Review: Second Time Around by Melody Carlson
Book Review: Second Time Around by Melody Carlson This is a charming contemporary romance set in a small seaside town in Oregon, USA. The main characters are middle-aged and former high school friends, who meet un-expectedly, unaware that their lives are about to change 360 degrees. The book’s title is appropriate for the story, in…

Book Review: Return from Tomorrow by George G. Ritchie
Book Review: Return from Tomorrow by George G. Ritchie This is a true story of a man’s life after death experience. George G. Ritchie, was a young soldier, who says he died and saw a bright light whom he believed was Jesus, who led him through what could have been hell and also to the…

Book Review: God Heals by Steve Austin
Book Review God Heals by Steve Austin This book is very inspiring resource for those who are seeking healing for themselves or others. It contains Eight Keys that will lead you toward receiving healing, these Keys are something many of us might not know. As I read through this book I was amazed at the…

Book Review The Sound of Light by Sarah Sundin
Book Review The Sound of Light by Sarah Sundin This story begins in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1940 during the time of the German occupation of Denmark and World War II. It was a time of the Danish Resistance and this book’s main characters are both caught up in the Resistance, risking their lives to stand…

Book Review Daughter of Eden by Jill Eileen Smith
Book Review: Daughter of Eden by Jill Eileen Smith Eve’s Story was indeed an intriguing story to read. I am sure most of us have wondered what life was like in Eden and imagined how things might have happened in the days before Eve and Adam sinned by disobeying God. I know I have read…

Book Review: Everything Is Just Beginning by Erin Bartels
Book Review of Everything Is Just Beginning by Erin Bartels This book is a contemporary romance set in the late 80’s, early 90’s, in Detroit, Michigan, USA. It is about impossible dreams, seemingly unsurpassable obstacles, and unconditional love. It is about endings and beginnings. It is about how God works through people to bring life…

Book Review The Rose and the Thistle by Laura Frantz
Book Review The Rose and the Thistle by Laura Frantz This book is a historical romance set in England, Scotland, and France in the year 1715. It centers around the lives of those experiencing the time of upheaval, and political unrest between the Jacobite’s and those loyal to King George of England. The Jacobite’s are…

Book Review: The Sweet Life by Suzanne Woods Fisher
Book Review: The Sweet Life by Suzanne Woods Fisher What a delightful book! It is not only filled with many different kinds of ice cream creations that will make you want to drool, but it also has a very inspiring message about second chances at life. Dawn Dixon finds herself dealing with resurrected dreams of…

Book Review: All That It Takes by Nicole Deese
Book Review: All That It Takes by Nicole Deese Two people who believe they have their lives planned out, are suddenly thrust together to find that God may have other plans for them. Miles McKenzie is a Pastor who is sure of his spiritual path, until that path is suddenly removed from him, and he…

Book Review–Until Leaves Fall in Paris by Sarah Sundin
Book Review–Until Leaves Fall in Paris by Sarah Sundin I really loved this book! I had never read this author’s works before, but I surely will look forward to reading more of her books now! She is an exceptional writer! If you are looking for suspense, romance, history, war stories, injustice, intrigue, spy stories, mystery,…